Annual Awards

Dilutes Australia's annual awards are designed to “reward excellence in any
Equestrian Activity by way of prizes and awards”.

One of the objects for which the company was established is to “reward excellence in any Equestrian Activity by way of prizes and awards”. Our Awards Catalogue lists the Awards that are available for members. The Awards Catalogue encompasses Federal (National) Awards for Dilutes, Ancillaries and Non-Colour Compliant Dilutes.

Dilutes Australia Ltd is proud to offer a broad range of prestigious Awards - HOTY and the prestigious Opal Award® at National, Branch, State and Promotional Group levels. All financial members are eligible to enter these Awards. Awards nomination forms are available for downloading further down this page from the Forms page.

Awards Catalogues:

National Awards


ACT & New South Wales - not currently available through this site. Contact ACT/NSW Branch.


Tasmania - not currently available through this site. Contact Tasmanian Branch.

South Australia

Western Australia

Nomination Forms:

Horse Of The Year Nomination Form - all registers (pdf) (MS Word) ($20 per category per horse)

Opal Award® Nomination Form (pdf) (MS Word) ($60 per award per dilution)

Procedures for entering awards:

All awards (national, state, promotional group) are nominated for by using the relevant Awards nomination form above. The nomination form is sent to the appropriate addresses as specified on the form.

ALL awards require a Points Book to be used for the collection of points; these are available by using the Order Form or by including it on the awards nomination form.

Annual awards run from August 1st to July 31st each calendar year. Eligibility to show and participate in our annual awards is available to you as a member for the price of your annual membership fee plus the initial one-off registration fees for your horse.

National Awards:

Awards listed in the National Awards catalogue are administered by the Board. These include our annual Horse of the Year awards.

Branch and Promotion Group Awards:

Each branch of Dilutes Australia Ltd runs and administers their own branch level awards.

The Head Office provides Awards in Victoria and administers them. These include our Diamond, Sapphire, Amber & Prism awards.

Promotion Group Awards are administered by the Promotion Groups.

General Rules:

The owners of all registered dilutes, non solid dilutes, ancillaries and non colour compliant dilutes must be current financial members of the Company.

Should an owner cease to be a financial member, the registration of all horses registered in his or her name will be suspended until such time as said owner rejoins the association, at which time the registration of all horses registered in his or her name will be reinstated.

If by some chance a horse is shown during the period of an owner being unfinancial, those points MAY NEVER BE COUNTED, even when the owner becomes financial

Backdating Points For Annual Awards:

Backdating PROVABLE points for national HOTY awards is permitted under the following conditions:

  • Nominations received on or by the 31st of January can be backdated to August 1st of that points year
  • Nominations received on or after the 1st of February can only be backdated to the 1st of February of that points year

Backdating PROVABLE points for Branch and Promotion Group annual awards is decided by the branch concerned.

Life Time Awards:

The company runs the following life time achievement awards which recognise excellence in achievement across a number of disciplines.

  • The Opal Award® TM # 757464 (all Dilute registers)
  • Spectrum Award (Ancillaries and Non Colour Compliant Dilutes)

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