Cremello, Perlino & Smoky Cream Register
Previously called the Australian White Horse Register.
Dilutes Australia cremello, perlino, and smoky cream register for studbook and non-studbook cremello, perlino and smoky cream horses and ponies.
Registration and membership applications
Studbook Cremello/Perlino/Smoky Cream Register: mares & stallions - must have 2 registered parents. Proof must be provided. Must PASS conformation standards.
Non-studbook Cremello/Perlino/Smoky Cream Register: mares & stallions - either one or both parents are unknown / unregistered / unproveable. Must PASS conformation standards. These horses have full showing rights. Gelding Register: may have either registered or unknown / unregistered / unproveable parentage. Must PASS conformation standards.
Ownership requirements:
The owners of all cremellos, perlinos, and smoky creams must be current financial members of the Company. Should an owner cease to be a financial member, the registration of all horses registered in his or her name will be suspended until such time as said owner rejoins the company, at which time the registration of all horses registered in his or her name will be reinstated
Standard of excellence:
cremello, perlino or smoky cream shall meet the standards of conformation (breed
characteristics being irrelevant) prescribed by the Board. To be considered for CREMELLO/PERLINO/SMOKY CREAM STUDBOOK, NON-STUDBOOK or GELDING registration, a cremello, perlino or smoky cream must gain the required
conformation marks prescribed by Board and fulfill the following:
- Must carry two copies of the cream dilution modifier. Horses
and ponies also carrying another dilution modifier will be primary registered as a cremello, perlino or smoky cream but may also be registered as a composite dilute if they meet skin and eye colour requirements.
- Have pink skin caused by
the cream dilution modifier. Pink
skin caused by a pinto modifier is not acceptable.
- Cremellos must have blue
eyes with a dark blue pupil. Perlinos and smoky creams may also have yellow eyes. Wall eyes are not acceptable.
- Have a body free from
imperfections and free of white spots except those caused by accident.
- Be permitted white markings on
the face and legs only, the legs not to be white above the knees or hocks save
for a continuous diminishing spear or stripe running above the knee or
hock. NO cremello, perlino or smoky cream may have
ANY white markings (ie belly splashes) other than those permitted under the Regulations
of the Company. Notwithstanding this, an owner may apply to have a horse or pony accepted for registration under the company's hardship clause which allows for small amounts of underbelly white.
- Not exhibit any appaloosa characteristics.
Solid horses and ponies with appaloosa/palouse/spotted pony parentage must be DNA'd for Lp and must return a negative result to be eligible for registration as solid cremellos/perlinos/smoky creams. Horses carrying Lp can be registered as DA Non Solid Dilutes.
CREMELLO - chestnut + 2 copies of cream.
PERLINO - bay + 2 copies of cream.
SMOKY CREAM - black + 2 copies of cream.
The company also registers any combination of other dilutions plus double cream into this register i.e. double cream + dun, double cream + silver, double cream + champagne. These combinations are also eligible for composite dilute registration as their other dilution - dun, silver, champagne.
DNA Testing for Base Colour
It is now generally accepted that there are considerable overlaps in phenotype between the 3 types of double cream. In other words, a cremello, perlino, or smoky cream with a buckskin, smoky black, perlino or smoky cream parent could be ANY one of the 3, irrespective of shade or characteristics. Therefore, we require DNA testing to determine base colour in these cases.
The only exceptions are
- Both parents are proven chestnut bases (palomino or cremello). This combination can only produce ee (chestnut based) foals so the offspring will be cremello
- At least ONE parent is genetically verified as homozygous for dominant extension (EE) and ONE parent is genetically verified as homozygous for dominant agouti (AA). This combination can only produce bay based foals (E_A_) so the offspring will be perlino.
- At least ONE parent is genetically verified as homozygous for dominant extension (EE) and BOTH parents are genetically verified as homozygous for recessive agouti (aa). This combination can only produce black based foals (E_aa) so the offspring will be smoky cream.
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