Palomino Register
Dilutes Australia Palomino Register for studbook and non-studbook palomino horses and ponies
Registration and Membership Applications
Studbook Palomino Register: mares & stallions -
must have 2 registered parents. Proof must be provided. Must PASS classification on colour and
Non-studbook Palomino Register: mares &
stallions - either one or both parents are unknown / unregistered /
unproveable. Must PASS classification
on colour and conformation. These
palominos have full showing rights. Gelding Register: geldings - may
have either registered or unknown / unregistered /
unproveable parentage. Must PASS
classification on colour and conformation.
Ownership requirements
owners of all palominos must be current financial members of the
Association. Should an owner cease to
be a financial member, the registration of all horses registered in his or her
name will be suspended until such time as said owner rejoins the association,
at which time the registration of all horses registered in his or her name will
be reinstated
Colour Standard Of Excellence
NB: It is important to understand that the colour standard of excellence represents the 'ideal' that palomino breeders should be striving for and that just because a palomino has some colour faults (ie
dapples, smutting or ticking) it doesn't automatically follow that s/he is not eligible for
registration. The reality is that very few palominos do conform across all criteria so if owners are unsure about whether or not their horse or pony will qualify for registration they should submit photos to the registrar for clarification.
To be
considered for PALOMINO STUDBOOK,
NON-STUDBOOK or GELDING registration, a palomino must gain the
required marks prescribed by Board and ideally fulfill the following:
- Must
be a red based horse or pony carrying one copy of the cream dilution modifier
and no other dilution modifier. Horses
and ponies carrying any other dilution modifier will be registered under that
- Have a body coat the colour of a newly minted
gold coin or three shades lighter or darker, or of a colour range
prescribed by the Board.
- Have a mane and tail of white, silver or
ivory, with not more than 15% dark or chestnut hair in either the mane or
the tail.
- Not have spots or patches of black, brown or chestnut
exceeding in total 25 sq cm.
- Have a body free from imperfections and free of white
spots except those caused by accident.
- Be
permitted white markings on the face and legs only, the legs not to be white
above the knees or hocks save for a continuous diminishing spear or stripe
running above the knee or hock. NO
palomino may have ANY white markings (ie belly splashes) other than those
permitted under the Regulations of the Company.
Notwithstanding this, an owner may apply to have a horse or pony accepted for registration under the company's hardship clause which allows for small amounts of underbelly white.
- Have a basic skin colour which is dark.
- Have both eyes dark and the same colour. Wall eyes are
not acceptable.
- Not exhibit any appaloosa characteristics.
Solid horses and ponies with appaloosa/palouse/spotted pony parentage must be DNA'd for Lp and must return a negative result to be eligible for registration as solid palominos. Palominos carrying Lp can be registered as DA Non Solid Dilutes..
**** Palominos With Silver Parentage ****
Palominos with a SILVER PARENT must be DNA tested for silver, and must return a NEGATIVE RESULT to be eligible for registration as a palomino. If they return a positive result they will be registered as a silver instead.
- Dapples
- Smutting & dark spots
- Flecking or ticking
NB - when classifying no marks in credit are given for iridescence, this is only a credit in the show ring.
So what are some colour faults when it comes to palominos....
Dilutes Australia register for palomino mares and stallions that do not pass colour standards for palomino registration
Dilutes Australia Non Colour Compliant Dilute Register for dilutes that carry grey or roan, or are palominos that fail classification on colour.
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