Registration Regulations

Regulations relating to registration with Dilutes Australia Ltd. 
A complete set of regulations will be available for downloading once updated.

Regulation 1 - Registration Categories:

1.1  For the purposes of these Regulations a solid dilute or dun is a horse or pony that falls within one of the following categories:

  • a palomino, cremello, perlino, buckskin, dun, silver, champagne or pearl studbook colt or stallion
  • a palomino, cremello, perlino, buckskin, dun, silver, champagne or pearl studbook filly or mare
  • a palomino, cremello, perlino, buckskin, dun, silver, champagne or pearl non-studbook colt or stallion
  • a palomino, cremello, perlino, buckskin, dun, silver, champagne or pearl non-studbook filly or mare
  • a palomino, cremello, perlino, buckskin, dun, silver, champagne or pearl gelding

1.2  All horses and ponies being considered for solid dilute, ancillary, BPO or foundation mare registration must conform to the company’s Regulations with respect to eye colour and white markings regardless of breed or registration. (See also Hardship Clause)

1.3   Foal recording is mandatory for all: (download Application for Foal Recording)

  • Palominos under 2 years of age
  • Colts under 2 years of age regardless of colour and register

1.4  Horses and ponies that do not fall into one of the categories in 1.3 above may be either foal recorded up until 2 years of age or permanently registered from birth at the owner’s discretion. 

(download Application for Permanent Registration - non-foal Recorded Horses or Application for Adult Upgrade - Foal Recorded Horses)

1.5  The Company registers solid dilutes with unknown, unrecognised, unproven or unregistered parentage as non-studbook dilutes.

1.6 The Company registers solid dilutes with broken coloured parentage as either studbook or non-studbook dilutes subject to Regulations 2.4 – 2.7 inclusive.

1.7  The Company does not register any horse or pony which is broken coloured, regardless of breed or registration, except in the Broken Coloured & Roan Dilute Register.  Broken colour is an overriding factor.

1.8  The Company does not register any horse or pony which is roan, regardless of breed or registration, except in the Ancillary Register as a non-dilute progeny and the Broken Coloured & Roan Dilute Register

1.9  The Company does not register any horse or pony which is grey, regardless of breed or registration, except in the Ancillary Register as a non-dilute progeny

1.10  The Company registers as Ancillary the SOLID non-dilute progeny of a broken coloured parent and a DA STUDBOOK registered mare or stallion.

1.11   HARDSHIP CLAUSE: A solid dilute, that in the opinion of the Registrar, is an acceptable addition to the Stud Book/Non Stud Book of Dilutes Australia, and has pink skin no larger in total than 4 square inches (25 square centimetres) and that, standing upright, cannot be seen from either side, front or rear (with the tail in its natural position) by an adult person standing upright; and having tested negative for OLWS & Tobiano; the Registrar shall petition the Board for the horse to be accepted.  The Registrar shall include all relevant documents & photos with the petition to the Board.  The decision of the Board to be final.

Regulation 2 - DNA testing:

More information about DNA testing and assistance with collecting and submitting samples can be found here.
(Download the DNA lodging instructions and the DNA collection form.)

2.1  All DNA results will be recorded on registration certificates.

2.2  DNA testing (coat pattern genes) for solid dilutes with unknown parentage is optional as these horses are non-studbook registered regardless of genotype as per Regulation 1.6 BUT, once registered, mares and stallions must be tested, and must return negative results, BEFORE progeny will be eligible for studbook registration as per Regulation 2.3.

2.3  The progeny (and subsequent generations) of all mares and stallions with unknown parentage that have NOT been DNA tested for all currently available coat colour pattern genes, regardless of colour and register, will remain non-studbook UNTIL such time as the required DNA testing is carried out on any generation. If the tests are negative, the individual/s that have been tested and subsequent generations will be eligible for studbook registration.

2.4  Solid dilutes with registered paint / pinto parentage that return a negative DNA test for OLWS (lethal white) and tobiano will be accepted for studbook registration (subject to Regulations 5.1 and 5.2 regarding parentage) provided they conform to the company's Regulations with respect to white markings and eye colour. Subsequent progeny of these horses and ponies will not be required to be DNA'd for coat pattern genes PROVIDING the other parent is also solid and is also negative for any coat pattern genes.

2.5  Solid dilutes with registered paint / pinto parentage found to be carrying OLWS and/or tobiano OR for which no DNA testing is done will only be eligible for non-studbook registration provided they conform to the company's Regulations with respect to white markings and eye colour.  Any progeny from horses not tested or returning positive results for coat pattern genes will also be required to be tested for the same coat pattern genes before being eligible for studbook registration.

Solid dilutes with UNregistered paint / pinto parentage that return a negative DNA test for OLWS (lethal white) and tobiano will be accepted for non-studbook registration provided they conform to the company's Regulations with respect to white markings and eye colour. Subsequent progeny of these horses and ponies will not be required to be DNA'd for coat pattern genes PROVIDING the other parent is also solid and is also negative for any coat pattern genes.

Solid dilutes with UNregistered paint / pinto parentage found to be carrying OLWS and/or tobiano OR for which no DNA testing is done will be accepted for non-studbook registration provided they conform to the company's Regulations with respect to white markings and eye colour.  Any progeny from horses not tested or returning positive results for coat pattern genes will also be required to be tested for the same coat pattern genes before being eligible for studbook registration.

2.6  Solid dilutes with genetic paint or pinto parentage (whether the pattern is expressed or not) must be DNA tested for all currently available coat pattern genes (OLWS, tobiano etc) before they will be eligible for studbook registration.

2.7  Solid dilutes with appaloosa / palouse / spotted pony parentage must return a negative DNA test for Lp (leopard complex) to be eligible for registration.  If the parentage is registered (AAA, Palouse Pony, Sportaloosa etc) the progeny will be eligible for studbook registration.  If the parentage is unregistered or unproveable, the progeny will only be eligible for non-studbook registration

2.8  Any horse with combination dilute parentage (ie cream / silver) may be required to be DNA tested for all dilutions carried by the parents to determine correct genetic colouring EXCEPT if either parent is a proven homozygote for a particular dilution in which case they will not be required to be tested for THAT particular dilution.

2.9  All solid dilutes with a grey parent must be DNA'd for grey (UNLESS the owner states the horse or pony carries grey) and must return a negative test result to be eligible for registration .

2.10  All solid dilutes with a roan parent must be DNA'd for roan where a roan test is available for that breed (UNLESS the owner states the horse or pony carries roan) and must return a negative test result to be eligible for registration.  Breeds for which a roan DNA test is not available will be required to be tested as soon as tests become available and if found to be positive, will be de-registered.

2.11  All cremellos and perlinos with unknown parentage must be DNA'd for grey and roan (if available) and must return negative test results to be eligible for registration. They may additionally be required to be DNA tested for all available coat pattern genes (OLWS, tobiano, splash, Lp etc) if there is cause to suspect that they may be exhibiting some of these coat patterns.

2.12  All horses and ponies being presented for registration in a cream dilution as either a black buckskin or a brown buckskin will be required to undergo DNA testing for the cream factor if it is determined by the registrar that there is not sufficient evidence of dilution. Sufficient evidence includes any one or more of the following criteria:

  • proof of double CREAM dilute parentage
  • CREAM dilute progeny from non-cream dilute partners
  • double CREAM dilute progeny
  • obvious dilute foal colour (many black buckskin foals are clearly dilutes at birth but this may not be so apparent as they age)

They may also be required to be DNA’d for agouti to determine black or brown base colour.

2.13  Horses being presented for dun registration that exhibit primitive markings which in the opinion of the registrar are not consistent with those found on true genetic duns will be required to undergo a dun zygosity test.

2.14  All horses and ponies being presented for registration as Silvers which do not have a proven homozygous silver parent may be required to be DNA'd for the silver and / or agouti at the registrar's discretion.

2.15  Horses being presented for pearl registration as heterozygous pearls on a base colour (red, bay, brown or black) will be required to undergo DNA testing for pearl unless one parent is a proven homozygote for the dilution.

2.16  Horses being presented for palomino registration which have a silver parent will be required to be DNA tested for silver and if a positive test is returned, they will be registered as silvers and not as palominos.

Regulation 4 - Composite Dilutes - Order Of Dominance for DA Registration Purposes:

  • Single cream - cream registration
  • Single cream + silver - silver registration
  • Single cream + dun - dun registration
  • Single cream + champagne - champagne registration
  • Single cream + pearl - pearl registration
  • Silver + dun - dun registration
  • Silver + champagne - champagne registration 
  • Silver + pearl - pearl registration           
  • Dun + champagne - champagne registration
  • Dun + pearl - pearl registration
  • Double cream + silver - double cream registration
  • Double cream + dun - double cream registration
  • Double cream + champagne - double cream registration

Regulation 5 - permanent registration:

5.1  A solid dilute mare or stallion that has 2 registered and recognised parents which can be proven as per the definition of ‘Proof of Breeding’ above and which passes conformation standards as set down by the Board is eligible for studbook registration.  Palominos must also pass classification on colour.  Palomino mares and stallions that fail 3 classifications on colour may be registered as Breeding Purposes Only and, if eligible as per item 5.5 below, may also be Dilute Ancillary registered

5.2  A solid dilute mare or stallion that has 1 or both unknown, unregistered, unproven or unrecognised parents and which passes conformation standards as set down by the Board is eligible for non-studbook registration.  Palominos must also pass classification on colour.  Palomino mares and stallions that fail 3 classifications on colour may be registered as Breeding Purposes Only.

5.3 The solid dilute progeny of 2 non-studbook registered horses or ponies is eligible for studbook registration subject to Regulations 2.2 and 2.3.

5.4  A solid dilute gelding that passes conformation standards as set down by the Board is eligible for gelding registration.  Parentage may be registered, unknown, unregistered, unrecognised or unproveable.  Palominos must also pass classification on colour.  A palomino gelding that fails 3 classifications on colour is not eligible for palomino registration but if eligible as per item 5.5 below, may be Dilute Ancillary registered

5.5  The solid dilute progeny of a DA registered studbook mare or stallion that is

  • a different dilution to the dilute parent OR
  • a palomino that fails 3 classifications on COLOUR for palomino registration

is eligible for dilute ancillary registration

5.6  The solid non-dilute, grey or roan progeny of a DA registered studbook mare or stallion is eligible for non-dilute ancillary registration

5.7  A dilute horse or pony that is registered (regular registry) with a broken coloured breed society by virtue of carrying a coat pattern gene is eligible for broken coloured & roan dilute registration.  A dilute horse or pony that does not comply with DA Regulations for registration due to illegal white / blue eyes and that also fails eligibility for broken colour registration due to not enough white / breeding etc may be registered into the DA Broken Coloured & Roan Dilute Showing Register.  A letter from the relevant broken colour registry refusing them registration on these grounds is a condition of acceptance into the DA BC & RD Register.

5.8  A dilute horse or pony that is registered in the Roan Society of Australia by virtue of carrying the roan modifying gene is eligible for broken coloured & roan dilute registration

5.9 A solid dilute horse or pony with broken coloured parentage is eligible for either studbook or non-studbook registration as per Regulations 1.6 and 1.7.

5.10 A solid non-dilute mare that produces a STUDBOOK registrable dilute foal is eligible for foundation mare registration

5.11 A palomino mare or stallion that fails classification on colour for either studbook or non-studbook registration is eligible for Breeding Purposes Only registration.  This is not a showing registration. 

5.12 A palomino stallion that fails 3 classifications on colour may be gelded and represented for registration as a palomino gelding.

5.13 A horse or pony that appears to have some dun characteristics but is not a genetic dun is not eligible for dun registration.

5.14  A solid dilute horse or pony that is grey or a genetic roan is not eligible for registration as a studbook or non-studbook dilute.  See also Regulation 5.6 above re ancillary registration and Regulation 5.8 above.

5.15  Solid dilute horses and ponies with appaloosa (includes palouse, spotted pony etc) parentage must return a negative DNA test for Lp before being eligible for registration.

Regulation 7 - Foal Recording:

7.1  A solid dilute foal with 2 registered parents is eligible for studbook foal recording or gelding foal recording.

7.2  A solid dilute foal with unregistered, unproven or unknown parentage (one or both parents) is eligible for non-studbook foal recording or gelding foal recording.

7.3  A solid dilute foal with broken coloured parentage is eligible for studbook registration as per Regulations 1.6 and 1.7.

7.4  The solid dilute progeny of a DA registered studbook mare or stallion that is a different dilution to the dilute parent is eligible for dilute ancillary foal recording

7.5  The solid non-dilute, grey or roan progeny of a DA registered studbook mare or stallion is eligible for non-dilute ancillary foal recording

7.6  Colour faults do not affect the foal recording of a palomino foal as these are only assessed upon classification for adult registration.

7.7  A foal recorded as a GELDING must be a gelding at the time its paperwork is submitted.  If presented for adult registration as an entire, it will not be classified until such time as it has been gelded.

7.8  If the dam of a potential studbook dilute (ie the sire is a registered horse as per our list of acceptable breeds) is an unregistered, solid, non-dilute  mare, she may be registered as a foundation mare subject to Regulations 2.2 and 2.3.  If she is accepted and upon completion of all forms and payment of fees, the recording of that mare's foal can be completed.  If she remains unregistered or is not DNA tested as per Regulations 2.2 and 2.3, her foal will only be eligible for non-studbook registration. 

7.9   As the dam of a cremello or perlino foal will always be a cream dilute, an unregistered solid palomino, buckskin or double cream dilute mare may be presented for either studbook or non-studbook registration depending on parentage which will enable the foal to be studbook registered subject to Regulations 2.2 and 2.3.  If the mare remains unregistered or is not DNA tested as per Regulations 2.2 and 2.3, her foal will only be eligible for non-studbook registration.

7.10  Foundation, Appendix or Group A mares (ie mares which have been inspected, classified and registered with approved societies and are comparable with our own foundation mares) are acceptable as dams.

7.11  The solid dilute progeny of 2 non-studbook registered dilutes is eligible for studbook foal recording in accordance with Regulations 2.2, 2.3, 2.5 and 2.6 .


All palominos will be foal recorded up until the age of 2 years, at which time they will require classification for adult registration by accredited company classifiers.

Palominos carrying an Ancillary Registration will not be eligible for permanent Ancillary Registration until 2 years of age. These Ancillaries are Foal Recorded and Adult Registered by classification.

More information about classification for palominos can be found here.

Foal recording application form

Ancillary Registers:

Dilutes eligible for Ancillary registration are subject to the appropriate regulations pertaining to their dilute registration.

Non-dilutes eligible for Ancillary registration may be EITHER Foal Recorded up until 2 years of age OR permanently registered from birth, in which case you require the Application for Registration form.

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